Bayon Bayon
Bayon Bayon bas-relief
Bakong Bakong bas-relief
Bayon Bayon
Angkor Wat Angkor Wat bas-relief
typical linga typical linga
Takeo Takeo
typical Khmer prasat typical Khmer prasat
typical Khmer vault typical vault
Takeo Takeo
Prah Ko stucco Prah Ko stucco
lintel styles lintel styles
lintel styles lintel styles
Banteay Srei Banteay Srei lintel
Bayon Bayon
Angkor Wat apsaras Angkor Wat apsaras
Banteay Prei Banteay Prei
plan of Angkor Wat plan of Angkor Wat
plan of Angkor Wat plan of Angkor Wat with galleries
Angkor Wat Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat Angkor Wat fronton
Angkor Wat Angkor Wat
Phnom Bakheng Phnom Bakheng
plan of Phnom Bakheng plan of Phnom Bakheng
Angkor Thom moat Angkor Thom southern moat
plan of Bayon plan of Bayon
plan of Bayon plan of Bayon
plan of Angkor Thom plan of Angkor Thom
Prah Pithu Prah Pithu
Thommanon apsara Thommanon apsara
plan of Prah Palilay plan of Prah Palilay
Phimeanakas Phimeanakas
plan of the Royal Palace enclosure plan of the Royal Palace enclosure
Phimeanakas Phimeanakas
plan of Baphuon plan of Baphuon
Prah Pithu Prah Pithu
plan of Prah Pithu plan of Prah Pithu
Prah Pithu Prah Pithu
Chau Say Tevoda Chau Say Tevoda
plan of Chau Say Tevoda plan of Chau Say Tevoda
plan of Thommanon Thommanon
Takeo Takeo
plan of Takeo plan of Takeo
Tanei Ta Nei
plan of Tanei plan of Ta Nei
plan of Ta Prohm plan of Ta Prohm
plan of Ta Prohm plan of Ta Prohm
Ta Prohm Ta Prohm
plan of Banteay Kdei plan of Banteay Kdei
Prasat Kravan Prasat Kravan
Pre Rup Pre Rup
plan of Pre Rup plan of Pre Rup
Pre Rup Pre Rup
eastern Mebon eastern Mebon lintel
plan of eastern Mebon plan of eastern Mebon
Prasat Prei Prasat Prei devata
plan of Neak Pean plan of Neak Pean
Bayon Bayon devata
Prah Khan Prah Khan workers
plan of Prah Khan plan of Prah Khan
plan of Prah Khan plan of Prah Khan
Prah Khan apsaras Prah Khan apsaras
plan of Banteay Srei plan of Banteay Srei
Banteay Srei devata Banteay Srei devata
plan of Banteay Samre plan of Banteay Samre
Bakong Bakong
plan of Bakong plan of Bakong
Prah Ko stucco Prah Ko stucco
plan of Prah Ko plan of Prah Ko
Phnom Krom Phnom Krom
plan of Phnom Krom plan of Phnom Krom
Phnom Bok Phnom Bok
Prah Ko lintel Prah Ko lintel
Phnom Bok devata Phnom Bok devata
Angkor Wat apsara Angkor Wat apsara
plan of western Mebon plan of western Mebon
plan of Beng Mealea plan of Beng Mealea
Angkor Wat apsaras Angkor Wat apsaras
Bayon Bayon